EX-VOTO TO SAN RAMON NONATO PAINTED ON TIN WITH THE FOLLOWING LEGEND:Una noche, saliendo del trabajo, me fuí con mis compañeros a un bar bebiendo sin medida y ahí mismo conocí a una despampanante rubia a la que invité a un hotel muy ilusionado por habermela podido ligar. Le doy las infinitas gracias a San Ramón Nonato de que, a pesar de la borrachera que traía, descubrí antes de pasar la noche juntos, que "ella" era un hombre vestido de mujer y prometo ser mas cuidadoso a la hora de divertirme. Abel "N". Toluca, Estado de México.
One night, leaving work, I went with my colleagues to a bar drinking without measure and right there I met a stunning blonde whom I invited to a hotel very excited to have been able to fall in love with her. I give infinite thanks to San Ramón Nonato that, despite the drunkenness that I had, before spending the night together, I discovered that "she" was a man dressed as a woman and I promise to be more careful when having fun. Abel "N". Toluca, State of Mexico.
Precio: $500 pesos
Price: 28USD